Use of this website constitutes agreement with all terms, conditions, and notifications. This policy affects information provided to you and gathered from you online through this site. Effective date of this Privacy Policy is May 1, 2018, and will be in effect regarding any subsequent changes posted at the time personally identifying information is collected from a visitor.
Information Collection
The intent of this website is to collect personally identifying information from you voluntarily, and only when you specifically provide it. You may visit the site anonymously at any time. We may seek your email address and name in order to:
– provide notification of upcoming events;
– collect feedback, comments, or opinions from users;
– respond to questions or requests that you sent;
– inform you about news, blogs, announcements, or messages through periodic emails.
We may ask for geographical information of individuals accessing the site to compile information about users for data analysis, marketing, or advertising. We do not intend to willingly provide your information to anyone else. You agree to accept all risks with use of this site, and acknowledge transmission via the Internet is not completely secure, and the security of your information collected through this site cannot be guaranteed by this website, the Manager, and associated entities.
We may disclose your personal information as required by law to protect the interests or safety of Dawn Day-Quinn or a third party in an emergency situation; for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or issues of public importance; to protect the property, safety, and rights of others; to enforce the terms and conditions of this site.
We may store or share this information with the Manager or affiliated companies in order to provide or improve services, content, or advertising. If you provide contact information for friends or family, we may collect and use that information as well.You may unsubscribe at any time by notifying the Manager via email.
We will do our best to protect the information provided from theft, alteration, or unauthorized use; however computer security attacks by outside individuals make it impossible to guarantee. You accept this risk by using this site.
Links to Other Sites
We have no control over third party sites provided on this website, and the Manager and affiliated associates are not responsible and are not liable to you or anyone for advertising, content, goods, services, or materials from any of these sites.
Right to Terminate or Suspend
Manager reserves the right to terminate or suspend your access to and use of this website or any information provided for any reason without prior notice to you. Manager is not liable to you and any other party for termination or suspension. Manager is permitted to modify or discontinue this website at any time without prior notice.
Children and Minors
We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13. Children may use this site only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. We recommend parents or guardians oversee all use of computers and the Internet by their children, or utilize filtering services, computer hardware or software to limit access to material that may be harmful.