Daniel’s mother lived a normal life growing up with her close friends, Melanie and Jane. She married and began having children. Health problems arose and became increasingly debilitating. Medical professionals could not find the root problem. Without a correct diagnosis, help was not possible. She died leaving behind four young children and a devastated husband. The condition was Crohn’s Disease. It was officially recognized and named in 1932. Knowledge at the time was limited and it was difficult to identify because many of the symptoms are found with other diseases.
In the 1970’s a girl in my town became ill in her late teens. Doctors were unable to diagnose her condition. She continued to get worse and died before she turned twenty. After her death they determined she suffered from Crohn’s Disease. I wanted to bring awareness to the symptoms and treatments. Please read more about this horrible disease that took so many because it could not be named.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Santayana